Mamfe Training Centre
Mamfe Training Centre
The Mamfe training centre was constructed in 2016 thanks to a government rehabilitation plan dubbed 'Contrat Plan'. The newly created out post became operational in May 2020.
The building consists of two separate halls, an office and a secretariat with two restrooms.
The SOWEDA Training Centre Mamfe was created with the main objective of capacity building, to improve on the standards of living within and around the Manyu community.
Specific objectives include;
- To Increase agricultural production
- To contribute to the improvement of food security
- Improve household income for famers
- Contribute to poverty reduction amongst rural households in the community.
Since its creation, the soweda Training Centre Mamfe has carried out a series of training on good agricultural practices some of which include,
- Respect of planting distances
- Management of pest and diseases
- Reduction of Postharvest loses
- Proper application of fertilizers
- The use of Personal protective Equipment (PPE) during the application of fertilizers and pesticides.
The centre has trained farmers on Maize production where by the farmers’ capacity was built on planting techniques, farm management, preservation and marketing of produce.
Being a newly created outpost, the SOWEDA Training Centre Mamfe carried out diagnosis meetings with the farmers to identify the agricultural problems in the community. After the identification of the various challenges faced by farmers, tailor made training themes have been prepared to address various problems.
The training centre also serves as an outlet of planting material to the community. It provides support and advice to farmers on how to go about their agricultural activities.
Besides agro-pastoral activities, the centre also carries out income generation activities like the processing of agricultural produce (Cocoa to Cocoa powder, chocolate and Cocoa butter, plantains to plantain flour), home made detergent (making of soap, bleach and washing powder,) and working with pastry (cake baking and decoration).
As time goes on, the training centre is looking forward to having a sewing and decorations department where youths will be empowered with sewing skills at a subsidised rate.
The centre mamfe halls are used for training and can also be rented together with the chairs available to generate income.
As a newly created outpost the SOWEDA Training Centre Mamfe has the the following constraints;
- Constant power failure, no generator to make use of documentation machines provided
- No printers available for the training centre
- No air condition or fan to cool down the very high temperatures of the day.
- Lack of means of transportation
Despite the insecurity and the above mentioned challenges, work is still on at the SOWEDA Training Centre Mamfe. Working conditions will be much better if the above mentioned challenges are looked into