Chart Of Our Organization

                    Technical Supervisory Authorities

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA) shall play the joint role of Technical Supervisory Authorities. This is to ensure better commitment and follow up of the activities that cover their respective sectors. It should be noted that this aspect shall be incorporated in the Decree to re-organise SOWEDA that is pending signature.


                  The Office of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

            The Office of the Chairman of the Board  comprises the following:

-          A Personal Assistant having rank of Sub-Director

-          A Secretariat (01 Secretary)

-          A Driver


    The General Management Office

      Attached to the General Management Office:

-    Departments, Projects and attached Services of the Ministry of Finance (MINFI);

-    A Management Control Unit

-    An Internal Audit Unit

-    A Communication Unit

-    A Unit for Monitoring & Evaluation, Cooperation and Studies;

-    Stores and Assets Office and 

-    The Director General’s Secretariat.


    Three (03) Departments:

     Department of Administration and Finance

This Department has not been modified from the current structure. It comprises 02 Sub-Departments, 04 Services, 10 Bureaus and a Departmental Secretariat.

The MINFI Attached Services (Specialized Finance Controller and Accounting Officer) work closely with this Department but remain independent.


     Department of Rural Engineering

This Department has been created to meet with the challenges that SOWEDA intends to handle in a Region that is highly enclaved with poor road infrastructure and low access to potable water and energy. It shall comprise 02 Sub-Departments, 04 Services, 06 Bureaus and a Departmental Secretariat.

This Department will play a significant role in the imminent reconstruction of the South West Region.


     Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

This Department is intended to reflect the needs of the Region as concerns agriculture, livestock and fisheries production. While agricultural activities exist in the current structure, livestock and fisheries activities are introduced to permit SOWEDA to have a wider scope in its interventions. It shall comprise 03 Sub-Departments, 07 Services, 13 Bureaus and a Departmental Secretariat.